Greensboro Ballpark |
The most important ingredient in having a 24-hour center-city is the abundance of people. In order to attract people to the center-city, there must be reasons for people to come there in the first place. A new downtown ballpark in Greensboro would contribute greatly in luring people and other spin-off business to downtown Greensboro. This is not just about baseball. This is about making our downtown the center of our city again. This is about creating a synergetic environment where people want to live, work, shop and play. Part of Greensboro's vision is about creating a downtown that's the hub of cultural, recreational and entertainment attractions. Our community should support efforts to revitalize our downtown because we are talking about our future. In the process, our community must know that change is a positive step and that in order to maintain our quality of life, we must evolve.Tim Jones